Global Warming for Idiots Interesting development in the continuing saga of the Church of Man Made Global Warming (CMMGW). It seems that some of the most vocal proponents of the concept of man made global warming were adding quite a thick layer
The Golden State hasn’t been that golden in a long while. Year after year the state seems to move from one budget crisis to the next. From one massive budget shortfall to another just as big or bigger. If political speeches promising
Climate Change (formerly known as Global Warming) isn’t quite done in the political arena yet. One would think that the the global warming predictions — and the so-called models they are based on — were sufficiently busted through actual observations of the — known for evaluating new and used cars and their markets — collated its seasonal car sales numbers with the results of the cash for clunkers program (aka Car Allowance Rebate System) click this over here now. Their findings were that