Rarely do we get such an easy to understand explanation of exactly who can call that stretch of land along the Mediterranean their home. pontificusPontificating pontificious pontifications, predominantly practicing preferred prose, placing precisely positioned pep plied past popping pages. pontificus.com
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case it’s likely worth a million votes. At this point it’s unclear what the motivations of the would-be-assassin were, but one thing is for certain, Trump’s supporters will rally around him more
Here’s a great opportunity to make public the work of a leading researcher and thinker from 50+ years ago. Isn’t it time for the rest of us get to see it, too? Admiral Grace Hopper’s landmark lecture is found, but the NSA
Finally, a clear set of rules to live by! Their origin is unknown, but it seems to be a summary of the various highly accurate reporting by mass media and unambiguous communications by various government entities. The Rules: Basically, you can’t leave
(As seen on https://www.trevorloudon.com/2019/02/trevor-loudons-2019-list-of-socialists-and-communists-in-congress/.) I’ve been asked to compile a list of socialists and communists in Congress. A friend of mine was challenged to name “even two socialists in Congress.” Altogether, if you add in Islamist connections I think about 100 members
This is a repost of a repost, and the origin of this post is not known to us. Our apologies to the original author for not being able to identify him/her President Obama walked into the bank to cash a check. As
UPDATE3: The Smoking Gun1 has a good article that does a good enough job of convincing us these two guys aren’t it. You judge for yourself. UPDATE2: According to ABC News2 one of the two previously suspicious appearing individuals identified below has
The following gem was in the discussion thread to a DailyMail article about gun control protests on January 19, 2013.1 Want to stop gun violence? Don’t arm Democrats: Ft Hood Shooter – Registered Democrat. Columbine – both families were progressive liberal Democrats.
This is how the so called law enforcement in the State of Texas works. This officer stated “you are videotaping me and I want to know who you are”, and harassed several individuals for clearly no reason. The same so called officer