How does the budget deficit get paid for?

Now that the healthcare act will be dropping some $1,200 billion to $3,400 billion1 to the deficit over the next 10 years, how will we pay for it all?

Borrowing of course cytotec online canada. And this is what our presidents are now reduced to doing to keep the money flowing…

Obama bowing to King of Saudi Arabia

April 2, 2009: Obama bowing to King of Saudi Arabia

April 20, 2006: Chinese Flag Flies at the White House

April 20, 2006: Chinese Flag Flies at the White House

It wouldn’t at all be surprising if matters such as Chinese human rights violations will no longer be brought up by American presidents.
Or that American aerospace companies will share key missile technology with China.
Or that Israel will again be on its own to be thrown under the bus in the Middle East.
Or that Iranian nukes will get much less lip time from the White House.

… that’s the cost of bailouts, socialized medicine, and government takeovers of private industries.

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