Houston Police: “You are videotaping me and I want to know who you are”

This is how the so called law enforcement in the State of Texas works. This officer stated “you are videotaping me and I want to know who you are”, and harassed several individuals for clearly no reason. The same so called officer also grabbed at the video camera, and then claimed that the person video taping had effectively attacked him. Shame on Houston and the state of Texas. If this type of police behavior is allowed to stand, one can only conclude that fascism is alive and well in Texas. 1

Houston Fascism

One thought on “Houston Police: “You are videotaping me and I want to know who you are”

  1. This is typical of what is happening with Police all over the country. It is time all people, Black White, Hispanic whatever we are, by background, ethnicity, or color, we are all AMERICANS, and as AMERICANS we are protected by our Bill Of Rioghts and our Constitutiion. It is time we stop fighting with each other, adn unite, and stand for our rights as AMERICANS. The police in this nation are out of control, because the governments are backing them !

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